越南畜牧,乳制品,肉类加工和水产养殖展览会 - ILDEX VIETNAM 每两年一次在越南胡志明举办,这是越南规模最大最具影响力的畜牧水产专业展览会,聚焦于家畜、乳制品、肉类加工和水产养殖,为越南和外国公司打开了各种商机。展会获得当地政府和协会的大力支持,越南畜牧,乳制品,肉类加工和水产养殖展览会-ILDEX 被认为是越南当地和国际公司推出新产品,了解最新市场趋势,并深入发掘越南市场的真实情况,获取新技术最好的平台。展会将设立国际馆,并召开B2B对接会议、买家采购会等。上届 ILDEX VIETNAM 吸引了来自28个国家和地区的276家参展企业,越南本地专业观众数量达到8711人,国际采购商1924人,展会面积达到5920平方米。
ILDEX VIETNAM is a biennial International Exhibition focusing on Livestock, Dairy, Meat processing and Aquaculture. The event has proven to be the opportune time for local and international firms to not only introduce new products, but also update contemporary market trending, see new technology, and learn about new knowledge through the event’s extensive seminar programs presented by renown key speakers. IDLEX Vietnam builds a marketplace for both local and international industry players and professionals to grow business through a wide range of highlight activities including International Pavilions, B2B Matchmaking Program, Hosted Buyer Program and many more.